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The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Bollingen Series) [Hardcover]

The Hero with a Thousand Faces (Bollingen Series) [Hardcover]

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Super-Hero Wine For the Super-Hero You!

The Wine Spectator stated that if you are searching for underground gems there is no need to drive all over Napa Valley. Silenus Vintners is Napa's chic tasting room that offers wines from fifteen of the Valleys most sought after boutiques, together with the Scott Harvey winery: silenusvintners.com

Wine lovers crave a seductive vino that rekindles the romance with life, and that is why a favorite Napa Valley cafeteria that typically changes its wines by the glass selections weekly has kept Scott Harvey wines on the list for six months. That's why 100-cases sold out in an upscale store as soon as it was stocked on their shelves, and why a wine jobber sold 200 cases in a month and had a smash hit with Scott Harvey wines right out of the gate.

The Hero

The success underground of the Batman protagonist, billionaire Bruce Wayne, is that he found a purpose and then relentlessly fulfilled that purpose. Winemaker Scott Harvey's purpose and passion is to deliver the flavor of world famed Napa Valley with every breathless sip of his exquisite wine.

The Super-Hero Wine For the Super-Hero You!

His InZinerator, with the itsybitsy accumulator comic book Super-Hero labels, is a rich, fruity, balanced blend of 76% Zinfandel and 24% Barbera from Gold country in Amador County.

And his InZinerator's luscious boldness has symbiotic allegiance with Americas newest Super-Hero Millennial generation, too. It's about amplifying experience. So to turn your next get-together into a blockbuster party. Serve InZinerator with grilled steak, burgers or chicken, or pasta and pizza. And you'll be a Super-Hero to your family and friends. Gotham needs you.

For more data on Super Hero wines click on: http://scottharveywines.com

The Super-Hero Wine For the Super-Hero You!

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Hero's Journey, Screenwriting, Story structure - The Myth of the Flawed Hero

The Hero's Journey is the template upon which the cast majority of prosperous screenplays are built upon. Films as diverse as Gladiator (2000), Million Dollar Baby (2004), Raging Bull (1980) and Scarface (1983) were all constructed around the Hero's Journey Template.

There is an discussion that the flawed hero is the exquisite hero. That to make the hero three dimensional, human ailments and weaknesses must be present.

The Hero

The fact it that this is just one of those myths. It all depends on your story.

Hero's Journey, Screenwriting, Story structure - The Myth of the Flawed Hero

There are various types of hero: a) the good, willing hero (Star Wars, 1977), b) the good, unwilling hero (Shawshank Redemption, 1994), c) the anti-hero (Raging Bull, 1980), d) the villain (Goodfellas, 1990) etc.

All of the above are naturally some of the potential hero archetypes: you choose which one is relevant for your story.

The thing to remember is not either the hero is flawed or not, but that s/he has an outer, inner and romantic challenge. For example, in Star Wars (1977), Luke gets to destroy the Death Star (outer challenge), learn the ways of the force (inner challenge) and win over Leia (romantic challenge).


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Hero's Journey, Screenwriting, Story structure - The Myth of the Flawed Hero

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Wednesday, August 17, 2011

The Man in the seeing Glass! The Conquering Hero!

As the arresting yellow sun

climbs over the mountains

The Hero

and winks at the green valley below,

The Man in the seeing Glass! The Conquering Hero!

blue children play among the flowers.

As I float peacefully on a calm blue sea,

enjoying the starLight

dancing all around me!

Rainbow creatures poke

their heads' above the water,

and gaze at me adoringly.

But do they see the real me?

or do they only skim the surface

like a dog sniffing a bone?

Seeing the face in the mirror

but not the one standing here alone!

When the face in the mirror is mistaken

for the one gazing into the mirror,

it's time to smash the mirror

and Set The Real Man Free!

I'm so dissimilar now,

that when I look back

on the man I used to be,

that man seems like a dream!

It's like a butterfly

looking back at its previous life as a caterpillar,

crawling along the ground like a grub

when now it can fly!

I feel sorry for that person,

sometimes I feel joy, sometime I feel shame!

Sometimes I have to shake my head

in disbelief, at some of the crazy things

that man was willing to do

to accumulate "love" from others!

That was before I discovered that I'm the conquering Hero
he was Seeking To Love Him All The Time!

Copyright 2001 El Veasey Publishing

The Man in the seeing Glass! The Conquering Hero!

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Krishna - The Hero Of The Hindu Epic Mahabharat

Kans was the king of the pastoral community, living in the land on whether side of the Kalindi river, now called Yamuna, at Mathura. He was an usurper, having dethroned his own father, Ugrasen, whom he kept in captivity. He loved his sister Devky very dearly and married her off to Vasudev. After the wedding ceremony, the young concentrate were seated in a chariot and Kans himself drove the chariot to leave them at their house, when a voice was heard, warning the king that Devky's eighth child would kill him.

Kans got up and drew his sword to kill her then and there, but her husband pleaded for mercy, gift to hand over every baby born to her, to Kans. So the King kept them in jail. As soon as a baby was born, it was taken by the ruthless Kans and its head banged on a rock. Thus seven of Devky's sons were killed.

The Hero

The next one was black in colour, something unknown among the community. Somehow, it was surreptitiously carried off to the other bank of the river, which was in spate, but receded when Vasudev approached it, and was located by the side of Yashoda, the wife of Nand, and her daughter brought back and shown to Kans.

Krishna - The Hero Of The Hindu Epic Mahabharat

"It is a girl. Spare its life," pleaded its mother. But Kans took no opening and threw it on the rock. It slipped off his hands and flew away, towards the heavens, not before warning the King that his killer is already resting in Gokul, Nand's village! Kans immediately took measures to locate this boy, who escaped from his prison, and kill him by hook or by crook; but all his efforts failed.

Yashoda had already one son, born to her the day Vasudev brought the black boy called Krishna, meaning black. Both the boys grew up as her sons, but they were Poles apart in temperament and behaviour. Balram, the true son, was forthright and innocent, while Krishna was mischievous and very cunning, all the time smiling and playing his flute which attracted the women of the village, who came to him at night and enjoyed sex with him.

When the boys, Balram and Krishna grew up and came to know of the misdeeds of Kans, they broke straight through the well guarded gates of Kans' palace, threw him out and killed him. The kingdom was restored to Ugrasen.

Rugmini, a maiden of the village, fell in love with Krishna and they privately met, went away and were married. Rugmy, her brother and Jarasandh, other superior King, attacked Krishna several times; in the end, they fled to Dwaraka, where Krishna located for good.

At the invite of a Satyabhama's father, whose high-priced gem Syamanthakam was lost, but recovered by the heroic fight of Krishna, he married her. The two wives, living as neighbours, hated each other; it took all the skills and tact of their husband, to keep the two in good humour.

During Mahabharat war, in which the whole north Indian Kings were divided into two rival groups, supporting Pandavas and Kauravas, both descendants of the same Vyas, Krishna supported the Pandavas, they being connected to him.

Mahabharat War

Imagine a nuclear war in the middle of India and Pakistan. After the war, all able bodied men were killed.Only widows and children remained. A blooming cultural centre in Asia collapsed and the dark age set in.

The war described in the epic Mahabharat is nothing short of it. In plot, characterisation and vivid description, there is nothing in the world to rival this voluminous book, in verse, believed to be written by Ved Vyas, who was suffering from a dirty skin ailment, but was asked to mate the Queens of Indraprastha, in Delhi, as their husband was impotent.

The first one complete her eyes because of her revulsion, during intercourse, and the son born was blind. The next one kept her eyes open, but was mentally so tortured that her son's skin was bleached. The maid gladly agreed and she was blessed with a son, well versed in philosophy, politics and had great sense of righteousness.

The children of both Dhritarashtr, the blind and Pandu the white-skinned, hated their cousin brothers from early childhood, finally resulting in war, which could have been averted, had Krishna wanted. On the other hand, along with the black woman Draupaty, he actively interfered in fanning the flames of hatred. Gandhary knew all things and in the battle field, where all her one hundred sons lay dead, she cursed Krishna: you too will suffer, as I do now.

Two instances need focussing. It was a war like a cricket match, to begin every day at a fixed time and to stop at sun set. An unarmed warrior will not be attacked.

The Pandava brothers would visit their elders, who were on their enemy's side, to carry their condolences, after the day's fight was over.

When, both sides were assembled on whether side of the battle field at Kurukshetra in Haryana, Arjun the hero asked his charioteer Krishna to steer it towards the centre of the field. When he saw his elders and Guru Dronacharya on the opposite side, he wondered why they should fight each other. Krishna argued with him and, in the end, he used his magical Powers to brow beat him.

When Karna's chariot sank in the ground and he was trying to extricate it, Krishna told him to release his arrow without a moment's delay, as he would never get a opening again. Had Arjun known that Karn was his brother, born before his mum married his father, a fact well known to both Bhishma and Krishna, he would have refused to fight any more. As it was, like a bowler using his skill when the batsman, was tying his shoe lace, the cowardly hero of the battle killed his own brother in the most shameful episode of the war!

Krishna witnessed his children fighting among themselves. Old and tired, he was resting in the forest, when an arrow hit his foot.

He never recovered from the wound; perhaps, he did not desire it.

Krishna - The Hero Of The Hindu Epic Mahabharat

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The Super-Hero Wine For the Super-Hero You!

The Wine Spectator stated that if you are searching for secret gems there is no need to drive all over Napa Valley. Silenus Vintners is Napa's chic tasting room that offers wines from fifteen of the Valleys most sought after boutiques, including the Scott Harvey winery: silenusvintners.com

Wine lovers crave a seductive vino that rekindles the romance with life, and that is why a favorite Napa Valley cafeteria that typically changes its wines by the glass selections weekly has kept Scott Harvey wines on the list for six months. That's why 100-cases sold out in an upscale shop as soon as it was stocked on their shelves, and why a wine seeder sold 200 cases in a month and had a smash hit with Scott Harvey wines right out of the gate.

The Hero

The success secret of the Batman protagonist, billionaire Bruce Wayne, is that he found a purpose and then relentlessly fulfilled that purpose. Winemaker Scott Harvey's purpose and passion is to deliver the flavor of world famed Napa Valley with every breathless sip of his exquisite wine.

The Super-Hero Wine For the Super-Hero You!

His InZinerator, with the Miniature assembler comic book Super-Hero labels, is a rich, fruity, balanced blend of 76% Zinfandel and 24% Barbera from Gold country in Amador County.

And his InZinerator's luscious boldness has symbiotic allegiance with Americas latest Super-Hero Millennial generation, too. It's about amplifying experience. So to turn your next get-together into a blockbuster party. Serve InZinerator with grilled steak, burgers or chicken, or pasta and pizza. And you'll be a Super-Hero to your house and friends. Gotham needs you.

For more information on Super Hero wines click on: http://scottharveywines.com

The Super-Hero Wine For the Super-Hero You!

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Tuesday, August 9, 2011

The Heroes Of Today

In today's contemporary world, any heroes have come to turn the world. For children, their heroes might be superman, wonder woman or naruto. In a uncomplicated way, children opted to give gratitude for their heroes by imitating them. As they grow, the way they define real heroes turn from a fantasy to reality. For nurses, their hero is no other than Florence Nightingale or better known as "The lady with a Lamp". Nowadays, 9 11 quotes the drastic situation where heroes died without armor. Those family men and professionals relentlessly shed blood for the sake of global awareness. Children, young and adults died while the incident without the chance to say farewell to their loved ones.

What is a hero? A hero is a person who knows what courage, sharing and loving is all about. A true hero knows how to share his resources and even ready to risk his life for the benefit of mankind. It doesn't need a person to be a real genius, what makes a real hero is his sense of dedication without expecting any in return.

The Hero

For nurses, their hero is Florence Nightingale. while the Crimean War, she helped assisting the wounded soldiers and even trained great nurses to render free services for the victims of war. In the long run, she also established a school for those who would want to enter the nursing profession. Despite of the fact that she came from a wealthy family, she still decided to serve the people and industrialized the nursing law by maintaining aseptic technique to preclude the transmission of infectious diseases from one sick person to another. With her dedication and contribution to the nursing profession, a lot of nurses would look up to her and consider her as a real hero.

The Heroes Of Today

Furthermore, those who died while the 9 11 strike are already considered as contemporary heroes. Some may say that they are just victims of inhuman act of terrorism, but for others they bring about turn when it comes to global awareness. Those who were included in the world's most devastating event leaved their families with traumatic experiences that they can never forget.

There are a lot of possible heroes nowadays. Most of them are still alive and there are a few who chose to be ordinary yet they serve their purpose well like the teachers, soldiers, missionaries and etc. They bring honor to their country by securing the needs of their people.

Who knows, the person who lives beside would be the next legendary hero? It only takes a realization that the world needs you so you can expand your noble duties and responsibilities to your countrymen.

The Heroes Of Today

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Monday, August 1, 2011

Batman: The Super Human Super Hero

Batman is a super hero that doesn't have any real super Powers. He is, a general man, who uses his love of science, strength, and question solving to make him a very special kind of crime-fighting super hero. Bruce Wayne was a young boy when his parents were killed during a mugging. As Bruce grew up, he maintained a vow to bring his parents' killer to justice and so he trained hard to get his body in exquisite physical health by studying martial arts and gymnastics. Batman studied and excelled in areas of science, criminology and psychology. Batman is a top-notch escape artist but usually finds himself successful against the evil villains not by beating them up physically, but by out witting him. Batman's super cool bat mobile, bat cave, bat cycle and bat plane and his never ending utility belt tools make him capable of handling whatever villains like The Joker, The Riddler, The Penguin, The Green Hornet, or any new criminals may throw at him in his mission to keep Gotham City safe.

The bat signal is a classic symbol to comprise on do-it-yourself paper invitations to ask young Batman imitators to your party; or, if you want to take the paper invitation a step further, you can buy cheap penLight flashLights and put a bat shape on the Light portion, attaching a card with the date, time and location of the party. Alternatively, Batman definite invitations, and other authentic Batman supplies can be precisely ordered online making throwing a Batman party for your beloved masked crusader amazingly easy. After all, Batman is just about the exquisite super hero role model for young children. He uses his knowledge in science and math to manufacture the coolest crime fighting tools, while having no real super human Powers. And, he makes a great theme character for an awesome party.

The Hero

Batman: The Super Human Super Hero
Batman: The Super Human Super Hero

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